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Wednesday, 26 June 2013



by Ben 

I have told the story of how I lost my virginity before and I hate to admit but it’s pretty epic although not in a good way. So I figure I’d share it with you all today in the attempt to further embarrass myself with this blog. It’s all for your amusement, really. WARNING: It’s pretty gross. Seriously.
I was a late bloomer so this was in university I had started dating this girl that I really liked. Things were progressing nicely. We had gotten physical the last few times we saw each other.
Then that fateful night, we were messing around in her bed. The clothes were off. Now I have to say up until this point I hadn’t had that much experience with a naked woman. Let’s just say you could count the number on your fingers- if eight of them had been blown off by a firecracker accident. And the smell of a woman… down there was new to me. This particular night, my girlfriend smelled a bit… different.
I didn’t really think too much about it. After all, I was in bed with a naked girl. I had more important things to worry about. Things continued. She was on top of me and naughty bits were coming closer… all of a sudden… we were having sex!
I could hardly believe it myself. I didn’t say anything because I thought it would snap her out of whatever trance she must’ve fallen in to let me put my penis inside her. So there we were. Having sex.
It felt good. Of course it did. It was sex. The Holy Grail of, well, life. But I have to say that it felt a bit strange. I thought it would feel smoother or silkier. Perhaps I had grown too accustomed to Jergens.
When it was over, we laid in bed. The smell had gotten stronger but it was the elephant in the room we didn’t talk about. “Let’s go see a late movie,” she suggested and so we did.
At the movie theater, we sat in darkness and by god I swear I could still smell her. With her underwear and pants on, in an air conditioned theater, I could still smell her. But still we said nothing.
We got back to her place and finally I had to ask her about it. I tried to do so in the most gentle way as possible. She didn’t get mad. She did look slightly concerned as she told me she smelled it too. “Is that normal?” I asked. “What do you think it could be?” But she just shrugged her shoulders.
The next day I went to classes and didn’t think much about it. I did walk around high-fiving all my friends but other than that, went about my day.
Later at night she called me.
“I think I left… a tampon,” she said.
“Left a tampon? Where? In your apartment?” I asked.
“No… In me.”
This sounded a little weird to me but I had heard of this stuff happening. “You can’t get it out?”
“No. Well, I can’t remember if I did or not.”
“You can’t remember if you left a tampon in you?”
“No. It was awhile ago.”
Now my head was spinning. “How long ago?”
“A few weeks.”
I almost fainted but somehow I managed to stay on my feet. “Listen, either you did or you didn’t leave a tampon up there. You would have remembered taking it out or not taking it out.”
“I guess I did, then.”
“Why didn’t you do something about it??”
“I don’t like going to the gynecologist.”
I face palmed. “Well, you’ve got to go! Tomorrow! That’s fucking dangerous!”
“I know.” Then she hung up the phone.
It all hit me at that point. When we had sex there was a tampon inside her. Along with three week old… well you get the picture. That was the smell. That meaty, minerally smell.
All that aside, she could’ve got toxic shock syndrome. All she ended up with was a pretty nasty UI infection. I was spared anything thankfully.
So that’s the story of how I lost my virginity. The actual losing it wasn’t so bad. Just what I found out afterwards.


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