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Wednesday, 26 June 2013


What's Your Face Shape?

What's Your
Face Shape?

When shopping for sunglasses or trying a new hairstyle, you need to consider your face shape to look your best. The SheKnows Beauty & Style Divas have put together an assortment of sensational tips and tricks for determining your face shape and finding the best styles for you.
Women with different face shapes and hairstyles

What's your face shape?

Most women will say that their face is round, but most faces are usually one of six basic shapes. After you determine your face shape, you'll be able to find what styles are best for you.

Hairstyles for your face shape

Every hairstyle is not for every woman. What looks fabulous on a round face like Cameron Diaz or Drew Barrymore won't look as wonderful on a heart-shaped face like Reese Witherspoon or Rose McGowan.

Sunglasses for your face shape

When shopping for sunglasses or eyeglasses, you also need to keep your face shape in mind. A general rule is that the frame shape should be the opposite of your face shape. However, things can get a little more complicated than that, depending on your face shape. Follow these tips to find the right glasses for you.

Jessica Alba with a oval face shapeOval Face Shapes

If you have an oval face shape, your face is slightly longer than it is wide. Your face shape like an inverted egg -- wider at the top than the bottom. Your jawline is slightly rounded.
Find the best hairstyles for oval faces >>
Makeup tips for women with oval faces >>

Demi Moore with a square face shapeSquare Face Shapes

If you have a square face, the sides of your face are straight and your face is nearly as wide as it is long. You have a defined, square jawline, and your hairline is probably straight.
Find the best hairstyles for square faces >>
Makeup tips for women with square faces >>

Drew Barrymore with a round face shapeRound Face Shapes

If you have a round face, your jawline is round and full, and your face is nearly as wide as it is long. Your cheekbones mark the widest part of your face.
Find the best hairstyles for round faces >>
Makeup tips for women with round faces >>

Jennifer Love Hewitt with a hear-shaped faceHeart Face Shapes

If you have a heart-shaped face or an inverted triangle-shaped face, your face is longer than it is wide. Your jawline is long and pointed, and is the narrowest part of your face.
Find the best hairstyles for heart-shaped faces >>
Makeup tips for women with heart-shaped faces >>

Gwyneth Paltrow with an oblong face shapeOblong Face Shapes

If you have an oblong face shape, our face is longer than it is wide. Your forehead, cheeks and jawline are all the same width, and your jawline is probably rounded.
Find the best hairstyle for oblong faces >>
Makeup tips for women with oblong faces >>


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