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Sunday, 30 June 2013


When Nigerians say NIGERIANS

It has been discovered that most Nigerians use the word “Nigerians” when hawling all kinds of abuse to one another and this recognition makes one wonder who is responsible for the bad global image Nigeria has since its evolution.

I was in a bus one sunny mid-morning when I heard the bus conductor say to one of the passengers, “Nigerians eh, una too like money. Everybody dey here no say Mararaba be #150, you come dey prize am.” He said as he collected the money.

 I looked at him from head to feet to see if I could find any trace of Nigeria in him. “Oh yes!! He was speaking the prominent Nigerian language- Pigin- and he was black in complexion and was a conductor in Abuja. 

I turned to him and asked, “Conductor, you no be Nigerian?” He opened his mouth and looked at me as though I had asked for his two kidneys. He kept his mouth agape and couldn’t utter a word. Immediately he set his mouth shut, everyone in the bus started laughing hysterically. I couldn’t help giggling at the smitten expression on his face.

 This is only an example of numerous abuses rendered by Nigerians to Nigerians in every part of Nigeria. I have read numerous columns and critiques of experts and professionals in various journals, books and newspapers concerning the economic, political and cultural state of Nigeria and often do I see the word “Nigerians” being used offensively. Normally, I survey the names of the writers find out if they are Nigerians. Of course, they are.

The implication here is that many citizens of Nigeria insult their country and themselves without knowing it. Now, if we continue to render abuses on ourselves as such, why do we seethe violently when citizens of other countries insult us? If Nigerians say that Nigerians are heartless and brutal, why do they get hot under the collar when Americans call them heartless and brutal. We call ourselves black monkeys and get infuriated when other nations call us black monkeys.
I conform with the philosopher who said- We are who we say we are. If you say you are not fit for a job, you are not fit for it.

This development everybody rants about is very simple to acquire. What makes it difficult is that it begins with self-development and that is what most people, especially Nigerians have ignored. How can a country who call themselves corruptive, unproductive, unsatisfactory and treacherous expect other countries to see them as principled, rich and one-faced? Even if we are all these things, let us not blow our trumpets ourselves. If these gurus and masters of knowledge continue to pull the image of the country to the mud by creating unwarranted and despicable stories about us, what then should they say about us?

We should learn to stop using the word “NIGERIANS” when making reference to an unacceptable character exhibited by a Nigerian. If you are reporting that someone stole and the person is a Nigerian, do not say ‘Nigerians are thieves” because you do not know who is keeping his ear close to the wall. If the robber’s name is Emeka, kindly say, “Emeka is a thief”.

The image of Nigeria matters a lot especially when she intends to be called a developed country. Therefore, if Nigerians keep groaning and moaning and how Nigerians are these and those, they shouldn’t complain when they see bold banner headlines in Foreign countries, saying…”NIGERIANS ARE BLACK MONKEYS”.


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